AGM Minutes – Sept 2023
20 September 2023
Minutes of the Central North Island Wood Council Annual General Meeting held 20 September 2023 at O Block Toi Ohomai Campus commencing at 1pm.
Welcome – the Chair Colin Maunder welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened the meeting proceedings with a Karakia.
1. Present
All those entered on the attendance register.
2. Apologies
All those entered on the apologies register
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held 22 September 2022
These had been previously circulated by email and it was resolved:
Resolution 1 – That the minutes of the Inaugural General Meeting held 22 September 2022, be accepted as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Moved by Colin Maunder
Seconded by Josh Green
Carried unanimously
The Chair then introduced the Committee members present being, himself, Josh Green, Graham West, Todd Cheeseman, Mike Spiers, Graeme Benge, Glen Coleman and advised that Brent Donaldson and Simon Honour were unable to attend and had tendered their apologies.
4. Presentations
Central North Island Wood Council Strategic Plan – Presented by Prue Younger from Public Impressions
Rotorua Forest Futures Action Plan – Presented by Julie-May Ellingson from RotoruaNZ
Discussion raised by this presentation included –
- Funding to support advocacy including opportunities such as the NZ Fieldays. Council has limited funding and in the main can support through resources.
- Co-operation between other Councils with forestry. Council will be engaging with other Councils, Ministers, Officials etc. It was suggested that this could be presented to the Industry Transformation Plan Steering Group – to showcase that District Councils are engaging and aligning to the Plan.
- Council needs to engage with entities that have ‘skin in the game’.
Fieldays Forestry Hub – Presented by Graham West
5. Annual Report
The Annual Report was presented to the meeting by a power point presentation, a copy is attached to the minutes and included key updates of the Wood Councils activities.
The report also acknowledges and thanks our funders, sponsors, partners and members for their ongoing support to the Wood Council and our various projects.
6. Financial Report
The financial report for the period ended 30 June 2023 was presented to the meeting by the Wood Council’s accountant Alex Pearce of Pearce & Co, by power point presentation.
The presentation was well received and with no questions or discussion it was resolved:
Resolution 2 – That the financial report for the period ended 30 June 2023 be received.
Moved by Glen Coleman
Seconded by Mike Spiers
Carried unanimously
7. General Business
Elect at least 5 Committee Members
The Chair advised that five nominations had been received for the five positions.
- Colin Maunder by Timberlands Ltd
- Mike Spiers by PF Olsen Ltd
- Josh Green by Green Transport
- Graham West by NZ Farm Foresters
- Rona Wheeldon by Gresham House
With no other nominations, it was resolved:
Resolution 3 – That Colin Maunder, Mike Spiers, Josh Green, Graham West, and Rona Wheeldon be elected to the CNI Wood Council committee for a term of three years.
Moved by Glen Coleman
Seconded by Graeme Benge
Carried unanimously
Membership fees
The membership levy categories were generally explained to the meeting and with no questions or discussion it was resolved:
Resolution 4 – That the membership fees for the next financial year are set as follows:
Category 1 – $12,000 per annum
Category 2 – $2,000 per annum
Category 3 – $1,000 per annum
Category 4 – $400 per annum
Individual – $50 per annum
Moved by Colin Maunder
Seconded by Todd Cheeseman
Carried unanimously
Colin Maunder closed the meeting at 3.00pm with a Karakia