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Christmas Greetings from CNIWC

Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia from the Central North Island Wood Council!

As we close out another successful year, we want to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all our members for your continued support, dedication, and hard work. 2024 has been full of growth, collaboration, and exciting progress, and we couldn't have achieved it without you.

We would like to recognize the upcoming retirement of Bryce Heard, CEO of the Rotorua Business Chamber. Bryce has made significant contributions to both the Chamber and the Rotorua business community, playing a key role in the establishment of the Wood Council. We extend our best wishes to Bryce for a well-deserved retirement.

We hope you have a restful holiday season filled with joy, family, and friends. Heres to a prosperous and productive new year ahead. We look forward to working alongside you in 2025 to continue strengthening our industry and community.

Stay safe and we'll see you in the new year!