
Awards Categories

These categories cover the full supply chain from silviculture to logging, road civil engineering and then to truck drivers, port marshalling and stevedoring. Some will be very specific to a sector of the industry, but the general ones are available to anyone.

Nominations can be made by your company, your manager, your colleague or your can self-nominate.
If you require assistance completing the required content, please contact us and we can assist you.


This award recognises an individual, who demonstrates excellence across a range of skills beyond best practise guidelines and essentially “over and above” in any area of plantation or native forestry silviculture.
For the purposes of this award silviculture falls under the following definition (derived from the USDA).
“the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society such as wildlife habitat, timber, water resources, restoration, and recreation on a sustainable basis. This is accomplished by applying different types of silvicultural treatments such as thinning, harvesting, planting, pruning, prescribed burning and site preparation. Intermediate treatments (thinning) are designed to enhance growth, quality, vigour, and composition of the stand after establishment or regeneration and prior to final harvest.”

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going or recent training
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable


This award recognises an individual, who demonstrates excellence across a range of skills beyond best practise guidelines and essentially “over and above” in any area of plantation or native forestry Protection & Services.
For the purposes of this award Forest Protection & Services refers to those duties and roles that fall outside the commonly known silvicultural and harvesting activities. For example, provision of security, on-going roles in wild / fire management, assisting with multiple-use forestry events or activities that are not regular (such as motor-x rides, MTB competitions, school tours etc).

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going or recent training
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable
  • Have their nomination supported by the Regional Manager/General Manager/Managing Director/ CEO or similar of the organisation they support


This award recognises an individual, who demonstrates excellence across a range of skills beyond best practise guidelines and essentially “over and above” in any area of plantation or native ‘forest engineering’, including building roads, skids, landings and forestry infrastructure including quarries.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going or recent training
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable


Individual involved in a harvesting crew

This award recognises an individual who demonstrates an excellence across a range of skills within harvesting beyond best practise guidelines.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going or recent training
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable


Includes an individual that is involved in dispatch and port workers including log marshalling and stevedoring.

This award recognises an individual who works within one of these areas across the distribution chain and demonstrates excellence beyond best practise guidelines.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going training
  • Comply to environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character with being positive, honest and reliable


This award recognises an individual who demonstrates an excellence across a range of skills within the wood processing chain beyond best practise guidelines.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going training
  • Comply to environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character with being positive, honest and reliable


Includes an individual that is involved as log truck drivers only

This award recognises an individual who works as a log truck driver and demonstrates excellence beyond best practise guidelines.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going training
  • Comply to environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character with being positive, honest and reliable


This award recognises an individual who works with mechanical log processor operations and demonstrates excellence beyond best practice guidelines.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going training
  • Comply to environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character with being positive, honest and reliable



This award recognises a business or individual who provides goods or professional services to the forest industry and who is not directly involved in the production or distribution parts of the forestry industry. It would include those that assist industry ie: consultants, finance, maintenance engineering/mechanical, goods provisions, training, insurance or medical.

The credibility would be built around a service provider being able to demonstrate:

  • They provided exemplary service.
  • They were responsive to the customer’s needs.
  • Their staff showed high skill levels because of the training received.
  • The company implemented customer focused systems to ensure the customer got what was required.


This award recognises performance by a company or individual that demonstrates above and beyond the general compliance of health and safety policies and regulations within the forestry industry.

To be eligible for this award the company or individual must:

  • Meet the baseline Health & Safety standards as per the Approved Code of Practice for Health & Safety in forest operations and Competenz Best Practise Guidelines
  • Have possibly managed a specific event with outstanding merit
  • Have possibly demonstrated a new or innovative health & safety product which will be of advantage to industry


This award recognises performance by a company or individual that demonstrates above and beyond the general compliance of environmental management rules and regulations within the forestry industry.

To be eligible for this award the company or invididual must:

  • Demonstrate environmental leadership.
  • Demonstrate environmental investment/value/innovation.
  • Show evidence of sound practices that foster a culture where environmental performance is improved through learning.
  • Show recognition by industry/community stakeholders (which is letters/videos/snapchat etc. of endorsement)


Tiaki Plantations Company

This award recognises an individual woman, who demonstrates excellence across a range of skills beyond best practise guidelines and essentially “over and above” in any area of the timber industry – logistics, harvesting, processing, safety, distribution, silviculture etc.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Demonstrate productivity in their work output
  • Show evidence of on-going training
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable


Nominations for this award can be made independent of the ‘hero’ or a self-nomination

This award recognises an individual who either intentionally or unintentionally undertook actions that were admirable due to either / or their courage, outstanding achievement(s), or noble qualities.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Submit evidence of action(s)
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers


This award recognises an individual (or partnership), who demonstrates excellence or notable achievement/s in one or more facets across the wide spectrum of ‘Farm Forestry’ combining forestry in with farming on the property. This award pertains to both plantation or native forestry, either commercial or non-commercial.

To be eligible for this award the individual (or partnership) must:

  • Be able to demonstrate achievement/s notable compared to a like benchmark
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable
  • Independent nominations can also be submitted for this award.


This award recognises an individual or business, whom demonstrates excellence across a range of skills beyond best practise guidelines and essentially “over and above” in the area of native forestry, including nursery management, afforestation and downstream processing (including commercial recreation).

To be eligible for this award the individual or business must:

  • Demonstrate a high quality of work output
  • Be able to demonstrate achievement/s notable compared to a like benchmark, or demonstrate the uniqueness of the enterprise
  • Comply with environmental and health & safety practises
  • Be recognised by their peers and employers
  • Show good character being positive, honest and reliable



This award recognises an individual’s commitment to self-development and skill achievement through industry training and completion over the past 12 months.

To be eligible for this award the individual must:

  • Demonstrate commitment to self-development and skill achievement through the completion of an industry training qualification.
  • Have completed a minimum of one New Zealand Certificate or Apprenticeship in the training year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
  • Be employed in the wood industry at the time of nomination.
  • Have their nomination supported by the General Manager/Managing Director/CEO or company principal.


This award recognises an individual on a cohort basis. This individual will demonstrate either consistent excellence or sustained improvement (or both), against a range of KPIs.

The nominations for this award can be submitted by any forestry company, forestry entity or training organisation that has knowledge of the Generation graduate and then will be qualified by the Generation Programme Manager.

These KPIs include:

  • Drug testing results
  • Attendance to the course
  • Punctuality
  • Teamwork
  • Test results



Recognise a person within the forest industry for a good deed, for paying it forward, for helping others or for supporting a charity through an initiative or action. Just someone who does something for someone else without thinking about themselves. Yes, it is over and beyond the call of duty actions, we are looking for.

Nominate them here and on the night of the awards, we will ask for the people to choose their winner, votes counted and the person acknowledged with a perpetual trophy and miniature to keep.